Relationships and Sex Education & Health Education
Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education |
Intent |
Relationships and Sex Education At Hollins Grundy we believe that RSE is an integral part of a child’s education. We focus on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults. We take care to ensure there is no stigmatism of any child based on their home circumstances, and we do not use RSE as a means of promoting any form of sexual orientation. We also believe that educating children about their bodies empowers them to understand the changes they go through as they grow, giving them confidence to be able to talk about their bodies. Health Education We teach pupils about physical health and mental wellbeing to give them the information that they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing. We aim to enable them to recognise what is normal and what is an issue in themselves and others and, when issues arise, know how to seek support as early as possible from appropriate sources. Physical health and mental wellbeing are interlinked, and it is important that pupils understand that good physical health contributes to good mental wellbeing, and vice versa. We offer opportunities for children of all abilities, including those with SEND, to develop their skills and knowledge and we ensure that the progression planned into the scheme of work offers the children an increasing challenge as they move through the school. Reception class cover relationships, living in the wider world and health and wellbeing through their EFYS learning goals. They also join in with theme days, months and years. |
Implementation |
In each class PSHE is taught as a stand alone lesson each week. We also have themed days, weeks or months which cover British Values and PSHE strands.
We use the PSHE Association scheme as the framework for our teaching, which has a clear focus to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes that children need to manage their lives, now and in the future. This is being implemented from September 2021. Personal, social and health education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It is an important part of the curriculum which promotes positive behaviour, self-awareness, self-esteem and resilience. Through PSHE, our children understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Our children are taught the importance of developing healthy lifestyles, forging worthwhile and fulfilling relationships and keeping themselves and others safe. |
Impact |
We assess the impact of our teaching in PSHE by assessing the children at the start of the topic and tracking children’s progress. We observe children’s books and contributions to discussion to assess what they already know and what they have learnt. In Reception and Year 1 floor books are used to gather evidence. From Year 2 upwards children have individual PSHE books to record their work more formally. |
Relationships_Education__Relationships_and_Sex_Education__RSE__and_Health_Education (DfE)
Relationships and Sex Education Policy (2022)
Curriculum Intent Grid – RSE (2024 Sonar)
Curriculum Intent Grid – Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing (2024 Sonar)
Year 1 – Thematic model
Year 2 – Thematic model
Year 3 – Thematic model
Year 4 – Thematic model
Year 5 – Thematic model
Year 6 – Thematic model
Parent intro letter
myHappymind – PSHEMappingSept2021