Curriculum Vision
Our curriculum at Hollins Grundy Primary School is designed to enable all children to reach high academic standards and to instil in them a love of learning. We do this by providing rigorously planned, inspiring and creative learning experiences for all children and in doing so we enable children to meet and extend the required standards of the National Curriculum.
We want children to be well prepared for the next stage of their lifelong learning journey, whether that be Reception class to Year 1, Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2, primary school to high school or beyond. We know that the world, including the world of work, changes very quickly and our children need to be well educated confident creative learners to have the best chance to succeed. Being near the site of The Northern Gateway is a huge opportunity for our children’s future employment.
In the first years of primary school we focus heavily on early reading and maths skills as these are keys to the rest of the curriculum.
Aims and Objectives
Our school mission statement is: Happiness, Health and Respect for Confident, Creative Learners.
Through this we aim …
• To create a happy, caring school where everyone is respected as an individual and learns to respect others
• To enable children to become healthy, responsible future citizens
• To teach children to value and respect and engage with the community and the environment in which they live
• To stimulate and challenge children to enable them to become confident creative learners
• To enable children to reach high academic standards and to instil in them a love of learning
Making our curriculum bespoke
At Hollins Grundy we know our children, their families and our community very well and we have the highest aspirations for all our children. In broad terms we know that our school is within the national average for deprivation as it is for children who speak English as an additional language. Within school however we are aware that there can be significant differences between children’s life experiences out of school. We aim to raise every child’s aspirations and to target our teaching and resources on overcoming disadvantage.
Basic Skills
In addition to the subject specific work in all lessons it is important that all teachers expect children to apply basic English, mathematics and computing skills where it is appropriate to do so. We expect children to produce work of the best quality whatever the subject or situation.
Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The curriculum in our school is designed to provide access and opportunity for all children who attend the school. If we think it necessary to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individual children, then we do so only after the parents of the child have been consulted. If a child has a special need, our school does all it can to meet their individual needs. We comply with the requirements set out in the SEND Code of Practice in providing for children with special needs. If a child displays signs of having special needs, his/her teacher makes an assessment of this need. In most instances the teacher is able to provide resources and educational opportunities which meet the child’s needs within the normal class organisation. If a child’s need is more severe, we consider additional support that may need to be provided and we involve the appropriate external agencies when making this assessment.
Curriculum enrichment
We very much support giving children real experiences on which to base their learning and to enhance it and put it in context. We want them to understand their local area and be proud of the community in which they live. Whenever it is appropriate we take children out of school to enthuse and motivate them, this may be a walk to the local nature reserve to take photos of the natural environment, or a trip to the recycling plant. Children visit local churches, mosques and museums in Bury, Manchester or further afield.
Subject Overviews
The detail of our intent for each individual subject or area of learning is presented on the subject pages on our school website.
Primary National Curriculum
Policy for Teaching & Learning (2022)
Year Group Long Term Plan (Reception)
Year Group Long Term Plan (Year 1)
Year Group Long Term Plan (Year 2).docx
Year Group Long Term Plan (Year 3).docx
Year Group Long Term Plan (Year 4).docx
Year Group Long Term Plan (Year 5).docx
Year Group Long Term Plan (Year 6)