
September 2022 – Parent Governor Election

8th September 2022
As mentioned towards the end of last year we will shortly be recruiting two new parent governors. Governors have a strategic role in running the school and are there to support and challenge the school leadership to get the
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September 2022 – Welcome Back

8th September 2022
Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a restful Summer holiday whatever you did. It has been lovely to have children back in school this week, getting used to their new classes and routines.  Children are settling back
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July 2022 – PTA thanks

18th July 2022
I would like to say a big thank you to our PTA for continuing to support the school with fund-raising events. The last few years have presented a great challenge due to not being able to organise the usual sort of face to
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July 2022 – Governing body thanks & election

18th July 2022
Many thanks to all the members of our governing body who have supported the school with dedication and skill for the past academic year. In particular I would like to thank three governors who will be stepping down at the
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June 2022 – Next Year’s Classes

28th June 2022
New Classes for September 2022 Please find below our class arrangements for September 2022. Tomorrow we will be having our “Move Up” day in school when children will spend time with the teacher who will be their
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June 2022 – Inclusion Quality Mark

16th June 2022
On Monday 20th June we will be hosting visitors from Bury LA Inclusion Team who be assessing the school for the Bury Inclusion Quality Mark. The visitors will be judging how well we take account of children's individual
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June 2022 – Open Day (Tuesday 21st June)

16th June 2022
I'm really pleased that next week we will be having our first Open Day for several years. All of our staff work incredibly hard to ensure that your children get a great educational experience when they come to school and I
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June 2022 – Sports Day Programme (Update)

8th June 2022
As mentioned in a previous post our Sports Day will be taking place on Friday 17th June. Programme will last all day, with different formats for the morning and the afternoon. In the morning the day will start at 9.20 and
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May 2022 – Safeguarding Alert

20th May 2022
Please would parents/carers be aware ... There was an incident last night after school at around 4.00pm when two older boys from our school were playing close to Carvanson's factory at the bottom end of the field. They
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May 2022 – Upcoming dates and events

13th May 2022
Please see below for dates of some events planned for the remainder of the summer term. Some events such as Sports Day and Open Day will have further detailed information to follow.   Date Event Monday
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