
November 2022 – Christmas Fair

25th November 2022
It's our Christmas Fair next Friday (2nd December from 3.30 until 5.30. Please come along to join the fun and raise funds for the school. Thank you so much for all the donations that were sent into school today, they all
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November 2022 – Individual Portrait Photographs

25th November 2022
Next Wednesday (30th November) the photographer will be in school to take individual and sibling portrait photographs. If parents/carers would also like pre-school children and babies to be on the portraits please come to
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November 2022 – Extra Open Day

25th November 2022
We have had a great deal of interest from parents looking for a place in next year's Reception class so we're putting on another Open Day just for them on Wednesday 7th December. The school will be open for them to have a
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November 2022 – Mr McCrudden and Miss Allen

25th November 2022
It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that two of our teachers will be moving to different schools in January 2023. Mr McCrudden will begin a new job just down the road at Mersey Drive in the new term. He
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November 2022 – Parents/Teacher Meetings

25th November 2022
Many thanks to all those parents and carers who made the time to meet with their children's teachers during the last couple of weeks. We really appreciate the chance to meet with you to feed back strengths and difficulties
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November 2022 – Attendance Data

7th November 2022
Before half term we sent home your child's attendance data for the first 7 weeks of this year. Thank you for reading this and placing such a high priority on your children's attendance.  Good school attendance is one of the
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November 2022 – General reminders

3rd November 2022
Nuts Please remember that we are a nut free school due to the fact that some children have allergies to nuts. We ask that all parents/carers ensure that all lunches and snacks brought into school contain no nuts or nut
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November 2022 – Parent/Teacher meetings

3rd November 2022
We will be holding our next set of parents' meetings in a couple of weeks and as we have done previously all meetings will be held via MS Teams. This allows more time for meetings and ensures that teachers are able to to
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November 2022 – Open Day – Wednesday 9th November

3rd November 2022
Our usual autumn term open day will be held next Wednesday (9th November). School will be open for prospective parents who may be thinking of applying for a place for their children in next year's reception class to view the
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September 2022 – Her Majesty The Queen’s Funeral

16th September 2022
Our school counsellors visited Bury Town Hall today to sign the book of condolence on behalf of their classmates and for the whole school community. They represented us very well and wrote some touching entries.
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