
February 2023 – Mr McCluskey

15th February 2023
I'm very pleased to be able to inform you that Mr McCluskey, who will be taking up his post as Year 4 teacher and SENCO will be joining us after half-term. We had expected to have to wait until after the Easter holiday
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February 2023 – Class Dojo

15th February 2023
As many of you are already aware we are trialling an app called Class Dojo with the aim of improving communication between school and home. The first step for parents is to download the app - it's free. The aim is that Class
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January 2023 – Strike Action Wednesday 1st February

25th January 2023
As you will be aware the NEU teaching union is engaging in strike action which will affect schools on four days during this term. The first day is next Wednesday, 1st February. Following discussion with the governing
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January 2023 – Walking Bus

13th January 2023
Our Walking Bus days are changing for the new year. The bus which starts at Hampson Mill Lane, near the garage on Manchester Road, will operate on Wednesdays. The bus which starts at the bus stop opposite the Queen
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January 2023 – School Choir

12th January 2023
If you attended our Key Stage 2 Carol Service you will know about how fantastic our choir is. They are coached by Mr Power from Bury Music Service and sessions are on Thursday afterschool from 3.30 to 4.30. The cost of choir
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January 2023 – Attendance

12th January 2023
We will be awarding our autumn term attendance Bronze attendance certificates today to those children who have had 100% attendance for the autumn term. Well done to those children receiving them. Every child will also
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January 2023 – Year 4 teaching & SENCO role

12th January 2023
As you are aware Mr McCrudden left to move to a new job at the end of last term. I'm pleased to let you know that a permanent replacement for Mr McCrudden has been appointed; he's called Mr McCluskey and will join us after
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December 2022 – PTA Decorate a plate competition

13th December 2022
Thank you to everyone who entered our decorate a plate competition, the entries were all fabulous and as usual it was really difficult to choose a winner from each class. We have got winners however, and here they
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December 2022 – Strep A Infections

6th December 2022
There is concern at the moment regarding the number and severity of Strep A infections amongst children. Please can I ask parents to be vigilant regarding symptoms such as sore throat, rashes, a raised temperature or the
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November 2022 – PTA Fundraising Opportunity

30th November 2022
Hollins Grundy Primary School is now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can help us for FREE. Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them at no extra cost to
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