
December 2023 – New Good Behaviour Rewards

1st December 2023
As part of a slight revamp of our behaviour procedures, children who have been on green all week due to being well behaved and trying hard will come home on Fridays with a "good to be green" sticker. Please support them and
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November 2023 – Parental Conduct Towards School Staff

24th November 2023
At the last governing body meeting there was discussion regarding a rising number of incidents when school staff have been subjected abusive or intimidating behaviour from parents and other family members, whether this be
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November 2023 – Parking around school

24th November 2023
As we are all aware, the parking situation close to school is problematic due to the limited number of spaces and the narrow lane. I understand that access to the school is very difficult but would encourage parents to park
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November 2023 – Upcoming Events

21st November 2023
In the run up to Christmas we have a number of events organised; please see below for dates and times: Friday 1st December Non-Uniform Day Bring a gift for the Christmas Raffle Thursday 7th December Christmas
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National Christmas jumper day – Mission Christmas

21st November 2023
The School Council wish to recognise national Christmas jumper day on Thursday 7th December. Instead of just donating money, we wish to help other children in our community who may be less fortunate than
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November 2023 – Reception class phonic workshops

21st November 2023
Each day next week Mrs McCrory our English leader will be running some workshops for parents of Reception class children to explain how our teaching of phonics works. The sessions will last approximately 30 minutes and will
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Children in Need 2023

9th November 2023
This year, we are having a pyjama day in school to recognise BBC's Children in Need. This will be on  Friday 17th November. You do not need to send any money into school to participate in the day. Please click here to
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Teenage Cancer Trust – Wacky Hair Day

20th October 2023
On Friday 3rd November, the School Council are holding a 'wacky hair day' to raise funds in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. The 'wacky hair' can be Halloween themed, bonfire themed or generally unusual/wacky. Leftover wacky
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NSPCC ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ Programme

26th September 2023
NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme I am pleased to inform you that we are participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Programme this term. Speak out. Stay safe. is a programme for children aged 5-11 which
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Reception 2024 Open Days are now available to book

20th September 2023
Reception 2024 Open Days are now available to book. We have 4 dates available from 9.15am – 10.30am: 10/10/2023 18/10/2023 02/11/2023 22/11/2023 It is on a first come first serve basis, please call the
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