
Coronavirus 12 – Years 2, 3 4 and 5

12th June 2020
Unfortunately, as you will be aware, schools are not yet re-opening for children in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5. Whilst this a great shame and a situation which we all hope is resolved soon, it is rooted in keeping everyone safe and
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Teacher training day – Change of date

11th June 2020
You will be aware that we have a pre-arranged training day booked for Friday 19th June when school would be closed. As this falls in the first week of re-opening we are changing the date to Friday 10th July. On Friday
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Coronavirus 11

11th June 2020
Letter to primary parents carers - 110620 11.06.2020 Please see the attached letter which we received today from the Director of Children's Services at Bury Council. I can confirm that we will be continuing with our
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Coronavirus 10

3rd June 2020
Please see the letter below from Cllr Tariq. Dear Colleague - Resetting the Education Service When I wrote to you a little while ago it was to reflect the widespread
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Coronavirus 9 – Letter from Bury LA – Important

18th May 2020
18.05.2020 Please see the letter below from Cllr Tariq which was sent to schools this afternoon. We will consequently not be re-opening for YR, Y1 & Y6 pupils on the 1st June 2020. Care for key-worker children will
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Coronavirus 8 – YR, Y1, Y6 re-start planning

13th May 2020
Dear Parents & Carers Earlier this week we learned that the government is asking schools to begin to re-open for three year groups (Reception, Year 1 and Year 6) from the 1st June. We have begun to make plans for this
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Coronavirus 7

20th March 2020
RE: School closure due to coronavirus 20th March 2020   Dear Parents,   The government have made the decision that as of today schools will close for the vast majority of children until further
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Coronavirus 6

19th March 2020
Thank you to all parents and staff for your understanding and patience at this time of uncertainty. Your children have been extremely sensible and adaptable during the last two weeks of additional hand-washing and other
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Coronavirus 5

17th March 2020
As you will be aware new guidance was issued yesterday afternoon. It is now necessary for all family members of those showing symptoms to self-isolate for 14 days. Consequently, brothers and sisters of those who were off
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Coronavirus 4

13th March 2020
New national guidance as of yesterday afternoon is that schools will remain open unless specifically directed to close by Public Health England due to particular circumstances. Additionally, anyone who is presenting with
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