September 2020 – 02 – Uniform

2nd September 2020
Hello, When children start school next week it is important that they attend in school uniform. If you have ordered uniform please wait to be advised of a time to collect it from the school office. Please don't turn up
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September 2020 – 01- Welcome back

2nd September 2020
Hello everyone, After what seems like an eternity we are ready to welcome all children back to school next Monday. Please check the start and finish times for each class on the Message From The Headteacher page for
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Year 6 last day of term

14th July 2020
It is hard to believe we have reached the last week of term already. It is such a shame that due to current circumstances we cannot mark the end of Year 6’s time at Hollins Grundy with the usual celebrations and leavers’
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Covid Questionnaires

9th July 2020
Bury Local Authority are conducting research about the views of parents, children and staff about the unprecedented situation regarding school closures that we have all experienced. You will receive emails with links to
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End of year gifts etc

9th July 2020
As you are aware, at the current time we are heavily restricting the number of items (and people) who come in and out of the school building in order to reduce the risk of spreading infection. The end of the school year
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Uniform Sales 2020

9th July 2020
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and the need to prevent the spread of infection we will not be selling any uniform, reading bags or water bottles until September. We will accept completed order forms by email to
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Summer holidays 2020

8th July 2020
Hello everyone, I hope you're all well. School will close for the summer holidays on Friday 17th July and children will finish at their usual Friday finish time. During the summer holidays school will be fully closed
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Coronavirus 13 – Year s 2, 3, 4 and 5

6th July 2020
Dear parents, Whilst we are not able to bring children in Years 2, 3 4 and 5 back into school fully until September we can now offer each child in these classes a keeping in touch session with their teacher and half their
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Children’s Reports 2020

29th June 2020
Dear Parents This year we will be sending copies of children's reports by email to prevent the spread of infection. You will receive a copy of your child's report, an attendance summary report up to the date that schools
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Class teachers for next year – September 2020

22nd June 2020
Whilst it is very early days for the children who have returned to school so far we are nevertheless thinking about and planning for when the whole school can be back together again. Please find below information about
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