June 2021 – Parent Governor Election Results

29th June 2021
Thank you to all of the three candidates for putting themselves forward for the role of parent governor. Voting closed last Thursday and the results were as follows: Darren Thomas-Stanley - 43 votes Samia Rehman -
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June 2021 – Sports Days & John Barker Cricket Match

28th June 2021
Well done to our cricket team who triumphed over Sunnybank on Thursday morning and brought the John Barker Cricket Trophy home with them. They all played really well and I'm proud that the trophy will be at Hollins Grundy
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June 2021 – Classes next year

21st June 2021
New Classes for September 2021 Please find below our class arrangements for September 2021. Next week, on Wednesday 30th June, we will be having our “Move Up” day in school when children will spend time with the
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June 2021 – Sports Days this week

21st June 2021
We are very much looking forward to our sports afternoons this week; hopefully the weather will hold. Tuesday 22nd June - 1.30pm - Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 Wednesday 23rd June - 2.00pm - Year 3 & Year
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June 2021 – Sports Days

11th June 2021
I am pleased to be able to tell you that we have planned to have some sports days in a couple of weeks time. This is hopefully a small step towards introducing some much needed normality into our school calendar. In order to
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June 2021 – Parent Governor Election

11th June 2021
We have had three parents express a desire to become our next parent governor. Many thanks to all three for showing an interest in supporting the school in this way. We will now have an election to decide who will take up
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May 2021 – PCR tests for all children who are unwell

27th May 2021
There is a surge of Covid-19 infections in Bolton, particularly of the new "Indian" variant (B.1.167). Because Bolton is so close to Bury and because the new variant is more transmissible the director of Public Health in
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May 2021 – Parent Governor Vacancy

18th May 2021
We have a vacancy for a parent governor and would welcome expressions of interest in the role from parents of children attending the school. The governors of the school are responsible for the strategic leadership of the
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May 2021 – Parents’ Meetings

10th May 2021
We will be holding our next set of parents' meetings before half-term and as we did in November last year all meetings will be held via MS Teams. Each class will have a full day for their meetings and teachers will be in
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May 2021 – School Meals/Packed Lunches

6th May 2021
Please would parents & carers ensure that our office staff are given plenty of notice if children are going to change from school meals to packed lunches and vice versa. The kitchen staff order food weekly based on the
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