March 2025 – Easter Bonnet Parade and Decorate an Egg Competition
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25th March 2025

Our Easter bonnet and decorate an egg competitions are back again this year!

If you don’t know, here’s how they work …

In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children make an Easter bonnet which they can wear to a parade on the last day of term. They are likely to need some help but the more they do themselves the better. There will be one prize per class.

In Years 3 to 6 children can decorate an egg (hard boiled please!) in whatever way they wish. Again, it’s best if children do as much of the work as possible independently.

Entry to either competition is with a voluntary £1 donation, which will go to our PTA for the benefit of the school. An opportunity to donate will appear in your child’s School Money account shortly. Entries should be sent into school on the last day of term, Friday 4th April (not before please).

On the last day of term we will open the doors at 2.00pm so that parents who wish to can view the Easter egg competition entries in the school hall. Following that, at 2.30pm, we will have an Easter parade on the bottom yard so that we can see the bonnets and judge the competition.

Parents and other families are welcome to come to school to see the eggs and watch the parade. School will finish for the term when the parade is over. Hope to see you there.

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