January 2023 – Attendance
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12th January 2023

We will be awarding our autumn term attendance Bronze attendance certificates today to those children who have had 100% attendance for the autumn term. Well done to those children receiving them.

Every child will also bring home a copy of their attendance data for the autumn term.

In addition, children whose attendance is below 90% will bring home a letter. A different letter will be sent home with children whose attendance is 95% or below.

Whilst we understand that there can be many reasons why children can be absent from school, particularly at a time when some illnesses are on the rise in the community, good school attendance is nevertheless vital for all children.

Our categorization of attendance rates is set out below:

  Above 97.9% Good attendance
  95% – 97.9% At risk of poor attendance
  90.1 – 94.9% Poor attendance
  90% or below Persistent non attendance


The Department for Education’s preferred approach to tackling absence is:

‘Listen, understand, empathise and support – but do not tolerate.’

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