Our school strives to be an inclusive community where everyone is welcome and supported in their lifelong learning journey. I hope that this is clear not only from our website but from the day to day experience that children and their families experience here at Hollins Grundy.
Children are taught that their day to day behaviour matters and that they should take pride in being a welcoming, friendly person. We also teach children that they should always take responsibility when things go wrong and their behaviour is less than perfect. When children are older, these expectations also apply to their online behaviour as well as to their behaviour in the “Real World.”
The online world can be a useful source of information and communication but can also be a risky environment where unpleasant views and attitudes can be found. Examples of this might be racism, homophobia or other kinds of discriminatory views. Children can easily be exposed to such views or unwittingly drawn into posting them or agreeing with or liking views posted by others. Occasionally children realise too late that something posted online cannot be removed or deleted easily if at all and content posted online can be there forever, with the consequences felt much later in life.
I think it is important that all adults in our school community should abide by the same principles. The ethos and values of the school apply to all members of our school community whether they be children or adults and I would be grateful if we can all be responsible for modelling the kind of behaviour we would like to see children display.