April 2024 – Skin rashes and infections
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29th April 2024

There are a number of infections and illnesses currently spreading amongst children nationally, many of which have very similar symptoms. Please would parents be extra vigilant and seek medical advice if you are at all unsure about the infection and/or appropriate treatment. Additionally, if your child suffers from eczema, this may mask some of the symptoms so could you please be aware of this.

Measles – there are an increasing number of cases nationally but, thankfully, so far, none in school. Examples of what the rash looks like and NHS advice can be found here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/

Chicken Pox – the spots, whilst similar to measles, are different when viewed together. Examples of what the rash looks like and NHS advice can be found here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/chickenpox/

We have had cases in school. To prevent the infection spreading children should stay off school until the spots have formed a scab, which will be approximately 5 days.

Scabies – a skin infection with similar spots and rash to measles and chicken pox. Examples of what the rash looks like and NHS advice can be found here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/scabies/

We have had a small number of cases of scabies in school. If confirmed, children should stay off school until 24 hours after the first treatment has been given.

Thanks for your vigilance, it will help to keep the whole school community safe.

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