Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 class page.


Welcome to the Year 5 class page.

The spellings for this half term will focus on the Year 5-6 spelling list. A copy of these words can be found at the bottom of this page.

Here are some useful spelling links.

If you have any concerns please let me know via the class email;


Please find below an overview that will support children in Year 5:

Who works in the class? Mrs Spencer and Mr Richardson (class teachers)

Mrs Hughes

What are this term’s topics? A whole school topic grid is on the curriculum page of the website. Individual year group grids are on class pages.
When are spelling tests? Friday. Spellings are set via Edshed. Please access your spellings via the Edshed link here.

When are arithmetic/mental maths tests? Tuesday
When is homework sent out? Homework is set on a grid . The grid is available to download at the bottom of this page. Please see the guide at the bottom regarding access to Edshed.
What are procedures for reading books? Reading skills are taught in English lessons. Reading books are the responsibility of your child and should be noted in their reading record. Children can change their book as soon as they have completed it.
When are PE days? Monday and Thursday.  Please come to school dressed in your kit.
PE kit is coloured house t-shirt (red, green, yellow or blue depending on house), black shorts and trainers. Kit should be in school ready for every PE lesson. Please make sure that children’s PE kit is clearly named. Please make sure earrings are removed on PE days.
Rewards for hard work & good behaviour. All children can earn house-points for their house and for themselves.

Other rewards include:My Happy Mind Award, Stars, Golden Ticket draw.

Consequences for lack of effort and poor behaviour Behaviour boards –  green – amber – red. Letters home for 3 Always tickets in a week lost



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