Year 4


Welcome to our Year 4 class page.

Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome to our class page. We hope that you have had an amazing summer holiday and look forward to welcoming you into your new classroom.

Please send children into school wearing their PE kits on PE days. For Autumn term, this will be on Tuesday and Friday. There will be some half terms when our class will have a PE coach. This will mean that PE will be on a different day: you will be made aware when there is a change to our PE days.

Please note that Key Stage 2 children are not provided with free fruit at morning break. Please send your child in with fruit if you wish for them to have a snack. Please don’t send in any food which contains nuts.

We will provide everything the children need in terms of stationary and equipment for everyday use in the classroom, including a pencil case, so there is no need to buy equipment.

Children will now be tested on different times tables on a weekly and will need to now learn all their times tables this year. We will now be practicing the times table check weekly in school each Thursday and Friday in preparation for their tests this academic year. Practicing this will also be the children’s weekly Edshed maths homework.  Children can also access this website using the following link  to practise times tables:

I have uploaded some information in the downloads section below which provides some further guidance on the multiplication check. If you require any further information please contact me via the class email



Who works in the class? Mr McCluskey (Teacher)

Mrs Moran (class TA and PPA cover on Tuesday afternoon)

Mr Richardson (Wednesday PPA cover teacher)

Start and Finish times: 8:45am – 3:30pm
When are spelling tests? Tuesday. Your child will be tested on the 100 word spellings throughout the year alongside learning new spelling patterns. Weekly spellings will be sent home each Tuesday.
When are Times Tables checks? The times tables check is usually in the first two weeks of June. We will practise times tables daily and encourage you to practise at home.
When is homework set? Grid homework is termly.

Spellings and times tables homework will be set on Edshed weekly.

What are procedures for reading books? Guided reading sessions are done daily in class. Children will continue to read reading books independently (please continue to listen to your child read regularly at home) and change them in school under supervision.
When are PE days this half term? Tuesday and Friday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on the days they have PE. A full Hollins Grundy PE Kit must be worn.
PE kit is black shorts, T-shirt (in house colour) , pumps. For outdoor sports trainers & tracksuit pants are recommended.
Rewards for hard work & good behaviour. All children can earn house-points for their house and for themselves.

They can earn tokens towards a class reward.

My Happy Mind Awards are awarded weekly in assembly. There is also a Golden Ticket draw.

Consequences for lack of effort and poor behaviour Behaviour boards –  green – amber – red.
Anything else relevant for your year group Brass lessons on a Wednesday. Don’t forget to send your child with their trumpet.







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