Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 class page.

Hello everyone,

P.E days are on Monday and Thursday for this half term (Spring 1).

If you need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me on the email below.

Your class email address is 

Please use this email address to contact the class teacher with any queries or concerns regarding your child’s learning. Please allow 2 working days for your child’s teacher to respond.






Please find below an overview of information for September:

Who works in the class? Miss Starr  (Class Teacher)

Mrs Sajjid (TA in the classroom).

Mr Richardson  (teaches Music, PSHE and RE on Tuesday afternoons.)


Start and finish times Year 2 will start at 8.45 am with children arriving at the infant gate  and  will finish at 3.30 pm leaving from the same gate.
When are spelling tests? Spellings are taught within school using our spelling packs or within Read, Write Inc sessions. Weekly spellings can be found on the overview on class page and will be sent home in reading records.

The weekly spellings and games are available on Spelling Shed for the whole term.

When are arithmetic/mental maths tests? Taught within every Maths session. Tests will be every other Tuesday morning.
When is homework sent out? Grid homework is due back on Friday 14th February.

Spelling homework is available on Edshed.

From this term, weekly Maths homework will be uploaded onto Edshed to help children with their fluency.

Please get in touch through the class email if you need a reminder of your login.

What are procedures for reading books? A reading book and pack will be sent home with your child every Friday. When they have finished reading it, they are to bring it back in to school and it will be changed. If it is not handed back in on Friday, we will not be able to change it due to timetabling.

We have noticed a lot of books missing from the reading packs. If you see any Hollins Grundy books at home, please send them back in.

When are PE days?  PE will be every Monday and Thursday this half term.

Please make sure your children bring in their labelled PE kit for the half term; they will get changed in the classroom. This is because practicing getting changed is an important life skill.

PE kit is coloured house t-shirt (red, green, yellow or blue depending on house) and black shorts. Please make sure your child has their full labelled PE kit in school to avoid missing out of PE lessons.
Rewards for hard work & good behaviour. All children can earn house-points for their house and for themselves, we will record these on Class Dojo. Every week we will havea Dojo ‘Monster of the week’ for the child who has earnt the most house points.

Each day there will be a star of the day who will be awarded a sticker.

Children are chosen weekly for the My Happy Mind Award.

Children who show exceptional behaviour, manners and attitude to learning in the classroom and around the school will be awarded a golden ticket.

There is a Golden Ticket draw every Friday during Smile Assembly.

Consequences for lack of effort and poor behaviour Behaviour boards –  green – amber – red.

Children will have some reflection time after moving their name down and be given the opportunity to move their name back up.

Letters home will be sent for children moving their name to red 3 times in one week.

Anything else relevant for your year group Handwriting practice packs can be accessed through a link at the bottom of this page and have been sent home. Please practise as often as possible with your child.




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