September 2024 – Welcome Back & New Class Meetings
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6th September 2024

Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a restful Summer holiday whatever you did. It has been lovely to have children back in school this week, getting used to their new classes and routines.  Children are settling back in very quickly and have already started to produce some very impressive work.

Welcome also to our new Reception class children who have been experiencing school for the first time this week. They have been a delight to have as new members of our school and I look forward to seeing them learn and develop.

Schools work best when parents and teachers work as a team and have consistent messages and expectations. In order to help this along we will be holding new class meetings in school next Wednesday evening (11th September) at 5.00pm and again at 5.30pm. Repeating the meetings allows parents with more than one child to get to two meetings.

At the meetings teachers will go through routines, expectations the curriculum etc for each class so that parents have a good overview of how you can support your children.

Please do try to attend one of the meetings for your child’s class. Thank you.

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