Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year to you all.
It is great to see children back in school after the Christmas break and I’m really pleased that we have been able to open fully – you will have read that this is not the case across the country as a whole. This is due in large part to the hard work and vigilance of families and staff in making sure that we do all we can to reduce the spread of infection. Thank you for all you efforts.
Can I ask that families continue to be alert to children displaying Covid-19 symptoms and keep them away from school if this is the case. In school, staff will continue to monitor children’s health and we will telephone if children need to go home. Could I also ask if we can be informed if children have family members who are positive. This will help us to monitor the risk of infection spreading through school and help us to gauge whether we need to reintroduce bubbles or staggered starts etc. I hope that we don’t get to that stage but it may be necessary in order to keep school fully open and to avoid sending classes home.
If your child is returning to school after a test or after isolation please would you send them into school via the main office on the first day of their return.
I’m also pleased to be able to tell you that our PTA Christmas events raised £1045.84 which is a great achievement. Thanks to all who contributed.